Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Clearing Person/Group Values

To clear out or empty the values in person or group columns, how you do it depends on if the column is single-value or multi-value.
For single-value person columns, all you have to do is set the value to -1.
It requires an integer value, so null or empty string will give you an error: Cannot convert a primitive value to the expected type ‘Edm.Int32′.
For multi-value person columns, you have to set the results value to an empty array:

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Cannot convert the literal ‘1’ to the expected type ‘Edm.String’ - REST API

If getting this error make sure you are giving quotation marks to your input passed in the request.
JSON Data - 
data={name="John", age=30}
if you are expecting age as a string parameter then it return error saying can not convert the literal '30' to the expected type  ‘Edm.String’
to resolve this use below
data={ name="John", age="30"}
in your http request.

Clearing Person/Group Values

To clear out or empty the values in person or group columns, how you do it depends on if the column is single-value or multi-value. For ...